Morning, folks, and happy Monday. You're going to be hearing a lot more about Lucie Wilk in the coming weeks and months—she'll be launching her new novel
The Strength of Bone in cities across Canada and the US this fall—but for now I'd like to point you to the guest blog she did for Gail Anderson-Dargatz's website. Called
"The Yin and Yang of Art and Science," it's as good an intro as any to the philosophy of our one and only doctor-novelist, whose work comes highly praised by Joseph Boyden AND Annabel Lyon. My goodness! What a triumverate of support. More from us soon. And in the meantime, enjoy!
"While I am grateful for the knowledge and experience of my scientific forebears, and all the gifts this has given us in providing the best for my patients, and while I honour the procedures and protocols, the flowcharts and the guidelines, I am also grateful for the fact that the patient before me is, ultimately, a mystery. One that I can guide with experience, but one that I will never solve."
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