We are getting set to launch the new issue of CNQ: Canadian Notes & Queries, newly arrived from the printer. You might notice something new about it, a certain new spring in its step. And for subscribers, a certain something between its pages, printed specially for you.

It also may well be one of the best issues we've put together. The Short Story issue, appearing concurrently with the biennial convention of the Society for the Study of the Short Story in English, currently going on in Toronto. This issue contains articles by Clark Blaise, Mark Anthony Jarman and Alex Good on the short story; Douglas Glover, Robert Thacker and Nathan whitlock on Alice Munro; Caroline Adderson on Mavis Gallant; Michael Darling on Audrey Thomas; a new story by Rebecca Rosenblum; poetry by Lisa Besner; Ryan Bigge on the 2009 Gillers; the first in our new CNQ Abroad feature, with Murray Wilson's visit to Robert Graves; a cartoon and fresh design by Seth; the usual gathering of excellent reviews ... and much more.
On newsstands and in mailboxes in the next week.