Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Draught: What's On Tap at Biblioasis

As some of you have already heard, Biblioasis is—along with buying a new building—launching a new newsletter. A sister publication to Thirsty, slightly less frequent but decidedly more regular, The Draught will bring you the latest BiblioBabble on a monthly basis. Want a tidy summary of events near you? Poems and short fiction excerpts? Special deals? Secret previews of forthcoming works? Then subscribe, my friends! Subscribe!

Apart from general press news and event information, The Draught will feature The 30% Shelf, a special online discount for subscribers when they purchase our title-of-the-month through the Biblioasis website. (This month's 30%-off title is About Love: Three Stories by Anton Chekhov, as translated by David Helwig and designed/illustrated by Seth.) There's the sweet sweet liquor of exclusive Draught content. And last but not least, as a very special first-time welcome to the thing, all new subscribers will receive either:

a) a complimentary copy of Canadian Notes and Queries issue 85, or 
b) a 1-issue extension of your CNQ subscription!


If you would like to subscribe to The Draught, please send me an email with the following subject header:


To receive your complimentary copy of CNQ please include your address and telephone number.

Yup. Awesome. We're looking forward to hearing from you. And to seeing you, if you're in Ottawa or Montreal, at one of our two big launches week (harp harp!): Nadine McInnis at Collected Works this Wednesday, with CP Boyko and Norm Sibum opening; and Norm Sibum this Thursday at Burritoville, presented in conjunction with Argo Books

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