Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Canary makes ALA's 2014 Over the Rainbow List

Halloo, all. Apologies for the blog hiatus, but as some of you know, I was penned for 5 days in Philadelphia, surrounded by thousands of American librarians (er, not to mention foot-longs that come wit onions & whiz). I'm happy to say that on Saturday afternoon the GLBT Round Table announced that Nancy Jo Cullen's Canary was selected as part of its 2014 Over the Rainbow List, which provides citations annually for the ALA's favourite LGBT titles for adults. NJC's in pretty good company, too—alongside Canary in the short story collection category is Everything Begins & Ends at the Kentucky Club, which received an honourable mention at the Stonewalls the very next day. Congrats to Nancy Jo and her "often comic" collection.

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