Wednesday, August 07, 2013

UK Malarky

Hello all, and happy Wednesday. I imagine those of you in the Twitterverse have been following the explosive discussion following AK's piece on writing vs. reading culture in the Guardian last week, but for those of you who haven't, here's a bit of what's been happening. The article by AK was hard followed by a review in The Telegraph, and a response to the Guardian piece by well-known UK publicist Ruth Killick on the site Bookbrunch. Following that, of course, AK's article was retweeted some 2000+ times, and picked up by USA Today. Congrats to AK for getting the discussion going so fast & furious as always (and thanks, we say blushingly, for the generous props to the Bibliomanse she slid into so many of those pieces—we heard you Mrs.—cheers).

What else? Malarky was also mentioned by Colum McCann in the Sunday Independent, a review ran in the Irish Independent, and it was Novel of the Week this past Sunday in The Mail, which is the largest Sunday-circulation paper in the UK. We're told a Guardian review is forthcoming soon. Till then, enjoy!

"Schofield’s portrait of a woman whose personality is beginning to fragment after a lifetime in an emotional vacuum is both blackly comic and deeply felt. There is something heroic about the desperate resilience of Our Woman, and the originality of her depiction by Schofield, that leaves an indelible trace on the reader’s mind."—Jane Shilling, The Telegraph

"Brilliant … laced with dark wit and quirky lyricism, this is a striking portrait of a society in flux and a woman on the edge."—The Mail

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