Bookfest Windsor is on this weekend, and it is set to be another good one. Kicked off with a single event last Sunday, when Ray Robertson came down (pictured above). Part of the Chatham, Ontario hostile take over of Canlit ( a movement which would otherwise involve ... well ... me) we spent a good many hours plotting and spluttering and imbibing Saturday night. The wee hours. Talked more about Steve Earle and Fred Eaglesmith and bluegrass and blues and the radio-music void that was 1980's Chatham Ontario than we did CanLit, but that's the way it should be. I'm not much for your regulation community-building (outside of the Biblioasis community, that is), but us literate Chathamites, we need to stick together.
Tonight, in a couple of hours time, I entertain Clark Blaise and George Murray, of Bookninja fame. IT should be another interesting evening. Tomorrow the rest of the weekend crew comes into town: John Metcalf, Derek Weiler, Paul Glennon, Gil Adamson, Lawrence Hill, Alistair MacLeod and many others. I'll be hosting a panel discussion on Canadian publishing Saturday afternoon, a discussion that a couple of years ago nearly broke out into frontier-town-like violence. Which, in some ways, is appropriate. If you happen to be in the Windsor area, try to make it down, as it should prove quite interesting.
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