Friday, February 12, 2010 on Ray Smith's Century

Over at his, August Bourre reviews Ray Smith's Century. It's brought me a great deal of happiness to see even a small group of readers discover this work over the last year, and my thanks to Kerry, once again, for giving me the chance to push it a bit more over at Pickle Me This (but .... Hair Hat!!!! Really???)

August has no doubts: Century is "one of the finest, most beautiful books I have ever read, regardless of the author's nationality. I don't feel the need to qualify this as a great "Canadian" book. It's just a spectacular fucking book. I will be shocked if I read anything better this year.

Amen to that. So go pick up a fucking copy, will ya?

If you need to read more to make up your mind, August's review can be read here.

And, to make it easier, I'll ship anyone who wants a copy for $20 flat, including shipping. Just email me at, or send your crisp twenty to Biblioasis / PO Box 92 / Emeryville, Ont. / N0R 1C0.


Brian Busby said...

I can attest to the fact that it is "a spectacular fucking book".

Were I not the proud owner of a signed first edition I'd pick up a fucking copy.


August said...

You know, Brian, I worry if I curse a bit too much on my blog and twitter feed. The six years at university haven't quite scrubbed all the blue from my collar, and it seems to be the language I fall back into when I get excited or emotional, the way bilingual folks revert to their mother tongues to do math.

biblioasis said...
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biblioasis said...

Brian: Any man who owns two copies of Morley Callaghan's Such is my Beloved -- even if merely as part of a much larger NCL collection, could use another copy of Century to act as counter-weight. I have three editions: Stoddart, Polygon (I think it was Polygon anyway ... Scottish press) and my own. You just need to access your inner complete-ist.

August: we could use a few more expletives in Canlit criticism, so fear not. Besides, it is a spectacular fucking book: you got it absolutely right.