Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 27th:The Salon des Refuses Redux: Windsor, Ontario

The real Salon des Refuses dirty work: play-doh pizzas.

Heather Birrell reading from her wonderful, wonderful story Impossible to Die in Your Dreams.

Mark Anthony Jarman reminisces about Old Timer's Hockey.

Rebecca Rosenblum reads from a marvellous short new short story, Hello Hello, currently in Rampike.

Mark. Rebecca, Kim Jernigan, Rosalynn Tyo.

Though the New Quarterly has already put out another issue, and we're working on our own Salon follow-up, three Salon-des-Refuse-niks came to Windsor on Thursday with Kim Jernigan and Rosalynn Tyo of the New Quarterly. It was a wonderful evening of short fiction and conversation at the Art Gallery of Windsor. It was a pleasure getting a chance to meet Mark, and Heather (along with her husband Charles and new daughter Maisie), and spending a bit more time with Kim, Ros and Rebecca.

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