Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Much Malarky (in print and on television!)

Anakana Schofield's Malarky has been receiving a great deal of positive attention in the UK as of late, so we've compiled a bit of a round up for you to get your Malarky fix, whether in print or even on television (they put books on television? Who would have thought?):

Let's begin with some high praise for Anakana's writing, first from The Guardian:
One of the delights of this novel is the language in which it is written. The tender inflections of everyday Irish speech carry the occasionally implausible story forward at an exuberant pace, and sometimes the sentences seem to break into a jig, dancing to and fro.
For Books' Sake applauded the juxtaposition of gravity and levity in the novel:
Schofield’s best trick is to lull you into a false sense of security with a few dozen pages of daft, farcical comedy... before tripping you up with a small, quiet sentence which breaks your heart
In case you missed it, The Telegraph's review gave Malarky 4 stars and had this to say:
Schofield’s portrait of a woman whose personality is beginning to fragment after a lifetime in an emotional vacuum is both blackly comic and deeply felt. There is something heroic about the desperate resilience of Our Woman, and the originality of her depiction by Schofield, that leaves an indelible trace on the reader’s mind.
And the RTE Ireland television network released this segment (Anakana's portion begins about 6 minutes into the clip), so click over and have a watch.

Congratulations to Anakana on such a positive response only a couple months into the UK release of her novel!

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