Monday, July 25, 2011

Touches bloquées: Marsha Pomerantz on the PNR

Opening the door of his chest he shows, painted inside, the body of
his soul ... 'Here is the place,' he says, 'here.'
Dennis Silk, on Cesare the Somnambulist, a marionette

Felicity or not
I had a large doll with a gauzy dress and bonnet, maybe called Felicity, maybe called nothing at all. She was made of rubber, which eventually cracked: the palms of her hands parched with drought, and the wads of felt offal inside her came out. There was no rhyme to it at the time. I cried. Gradually the voice box in her stomach, too, wore out: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to ... keep ... I couldn't remember: what comes next?

The rest is available in PN Review 200, Volume 37 Number 6, June - July 2011

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