Biblioasis's Fall is shaping up to be quite busy. Below please find our confirmed list of events. More, including additional fall launches and several East Coast events, will be confirmed soon. Stay tuned: we'll do our best to update this schedule on a regular basis.
If there are any Biblioasis authors out there with events I've overlooked, please let me know and I'll get them up as soon as possible.
Sunday, September 20th, 2009: Ray Robertson, Hans Eichner(w/ Kari Grimstad reading), Grant Buday, Terry Griggs, Leon Rooke - Eden Mills Writers Festival, Eden Mills
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009: Ray Robertson: David (Thomas Allen) & Moody Food - TINARS, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto (Dave Bidini providing the music.)
Friday, September 25th, 2009: Terry Griggs, Thought You Were Dead - Thin Air (Winnipeg Writer's Festival) 12:15-12:45 pm (Millenium Library/ Carol Shields Auditorium)
Saturday, September 26th, 2009: Terry Griggs, Thought You Were Dead - Thin Air (Winnipeg Writer's Festival) 4: 00-5:00 Aqua Books, 274 Garry St. Winnipeg.
October 1st, 2009: Terry Griggs (Thought You Were Dead, University of Windsor, Windsor, TBA
October 3rd-4th, 2009: Fredericton Poetry Weekend: Shane Neilson (Meniscus) and Zach Wells (Track & Trace) attending
October 4th, 2009: Amy Jones (What Boys Like), Rebecca Rosenblum, (Once): Draft Reading Series, Toronto
October 14th, 2009: Terry Griggs (Thought You Were Dead), Trent University, Peterborough, Details TBA
October 17th, 2009: Rebecca Rosenblum, (Once), Plan 99 Reading Series, Manx Pub, Ottawa, 5 pm.
October 20th, 2009: Amy Jones (What Boys Like), BOOK LAUNCH, TINARS, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, 7 pm
October 23rd, 2009: Cynthia Flood (The English Stories), Vancouver International Writers Festival, 10 – 11:30 am, Revue Theatre
October 24th, 2009: Terry Griggs (Thought you Were Dead), Vancouver International Writers Festival, 2 – 3:30 pm, Revue Theatre
October 24th, 2009: Cynthia Flood (The English Stories), Vancouver International Writers Festival, 8 PM, Waterfront Theatre
October 25th, 2009: Terry Griggs (Thought you Were Dead), Vancouver International Writers Festival, 3:30-5PM, Performance Works
October 25th, 2009: Amy Jones (What Boys Like), Ottawa International Writers Festival, 8:30 PM, Saint Brigid's Centre
October 26th, 2009: Grant Buday (Dragonflies), Ottawa International Writers Festival, 2 PM, Saint Brigid's Centre
October 26th, 2009: Horacio Castellanos Moya (Dance With Snakes), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Details TBA
October 26th, 2009: Cynthia Flood (The English Stories),
Regina, Vertigo Reading Series, Aegean Coast Coffee & Tea, 190l Hamilton SOctober 27th, 2009: Mike Barnes (the Lily Pond), Toronto, Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre: 7:30-9 PM
October 28th, 2009: Grant Buday (Dragonflies), Humanities Resource Group, University of Windsor, 7 pm.
November 3rd, 2009: Robyn Sarah (Pause For Breath), BOOK LAUNCH, The Word Bookstore, Montreal, TBA.
November 4th, 2009: Shane Neilson (Meniscus), Pivot Reading Series, Toronto, TBA
November 6th, 2009: Ray Robertson (Moody Food), Phog Lounge, Windsor, 10 pm (Gram Parsons's Birthday Bash, with music by Kelly Hoppe, formerly of Big Sugar)
November 7th, 2009: Terry Griggs (Thought You Were Dead), Bookfest Windsor, Art Gallery of Windsor, 7:45 pm
November 14th, 2009: Zach Wells (Track & Trace), Collected Works, Ottawa, 7:30 PM
November 15th, 2009: Zach Wells (Track & Trace), Poetry & Co., Kingston, Ontario, TBA
November 16th, 2009: Cynthia Flood (The English Stories), Vancouver Public Library, Main Branch, 2:00-3:00
November 18th, 2009: amy Jones (What Boys Like), Pivot Reading Series, Toronto
November 25th, 2009: Biblioasis Poetry Bash, Ben McNally, Toronto (Details to follow shortly)
November 26th, 2009: Zach Wells (Track & Trace), Toronto, LiveWords, TBA
November 28th, 2009: Cynthia Flood (The English Stories), McNally Robinson, Saskatoon, Sask: TBA
December 6th, 2009: Shane Neilson (Meniscus), LITLIVE, Hamilton, Ont.
January 5th, 2010: Amy Jones (What Boys Like), Strong Words, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto
February 7th, 2010: Amy Jones (What Boys Like), LITLIVE, Hamilton, Ont.