CNQ 76 is now out. For those of you who subscribe, it will hopefully have made your mailbox by now. For those who prefer to buy it on the newsstand -- Why? When we so desperately need your name on our subscriber lists, so that we may show the Honourable James Moore that small cultural magazines do matter! -- it will be awaiting you eagerly (unless you tend to frequent Chapters/Indigo: then you are likely out of luck!). As an issue it's getting more than its usual reader response: so far, it has cost us one long-time subscriber, and resulted in a very strongly worded blog post from another reader. We're readying ourselves for more.
Should you want to see what the fuss is about, please pick up the latest issue. Or check out our spanking new website, provided courtesy of Aleks and co at Soluble Designs. To say we are in their debt would be a tremendous understatement. If you see something you like -- or something you don't -- write us a note: believe it or not, we do care what our readers think, even if we are getting used to having our editorial judgment questioned.
I should also mention that some major changes are underway at CNQ, both editorially and physically, in terms of design. We're going to really start shaking things up over the next few issues, bringing in a new editor, new features, new writers, and piecing our way through a new design. There will also be new developments over at the journal website as we continue to tweak things, adding more in the way of archives, new features and web-exclusives. It should prove to be a very interesting summer, so check back often.
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