Cooking with Giovanni Caboto launches Tuesday October 9th at Biblioasis Headquarters, 1520 Wyandotte St. East. |
Morning, folks, and happy Monday. There's a superabundance of news over here in BiblioLand—the BiblioBash tour finished with a bang on Thursday at our first Headquarters launch, the BiblioTourees are scattered to the four winds, Craig Boyko is reading tonight in Saskatoon, Mark Kingwell was reviewed in the National Post, and Alice Petersen interviewed in the mRb—but all that aside, and if you'll permit me, for a moment I'd like wax Thanksgiving-y and talk instead about FOOD.
For the past several months Biblioasis has been collaborating with the Caboto Club of Windsor on a cookbook. It's been fun. It's been (frequently) delicious. The Caboto Club is
southwestern Ontario's oldest and largest
Italian organization, boasting spacious reception and banquet facilities, a
long history of community involvement and charitable donations, and a
now-famous kitchen and catering service. Founded in 1925 and named for the Italian explorer
Giovanni Caboto, the Club still serves its original purpose—to encourage
camaraderie among new Italian-Canadian citizens—but it has also become an
Essex County landmark, and a meeting-place for the Windsor community at large.
We're having a launch for the cookbook on October 9th; we're putting down our inkes & formes, we're picking up our spiders and spirtles, and we're trying a few recipes out. There'll be free food, mulled wine, and beautifully photographed books (... ready for smudging with happily oiled fingers). Zucchini pancakes. Risotto. Lasagna. Should be both fun AND delicious.
And in case you're wondering why we wandered down this particular road, well, this isn't just any cookbook. For starters it's massive. Gino Piazza and the Cookbook Committee canvassed hundreds of people in search of their best family recipes. They sorted them, in some cases translated them, and tried them individually in the Caboto kitchen. Photographer Mauro Chechi took stunning pictures of each and every dish. It's hard to say this without sounding hyperbolic, but it really is the all-you'll-need-in-a-lifetime resource book for Italian cuisine. 230+ recipes, a glossary of terms, a how-to guide for all the staples of the genre, and photos that will make you, um, hungry.
Says one of the copy-editors.
For those of you who'd like to know a little more about the cookbook, I've included a little write-up below.
Cooking with Giovanni Caboto
a book launch at
Tuesday, Oct. 9
7 PM
1520 Wyandotte St. East
Edited by Gino Piazza
Photographed by Mauro Chechi
978-1-926845-97-5 (cloth)
978-1-927428-05-4 (ebook)
October 2012
What makes Cooking with Giovanni Caboto so special?
Most Italian cookbooks feature a selection of well-known,
old-favourite recipes drawn haphazardly from northern and southern Italy alike.
Italian cooking, however, is as diverse as the Italian landscape, and each of the
country’s twenty regions has its own flavours, procedures, and ingredients. Cooking with Giovanni Caboto is one of
the only commercially available cookbooks to provide an exhaustive survey of
recipes and techniques by region, and certainly the only book to do it all in
one volume.
Cooking with Giovanni Caboto therefore not only provides authentic
recipes for all your favourite dishes—pastas, pizzas, polentas, lasagnas,
risottos—but will show you how to prepare a range of local delicacies and
staples, the recipes of which are often hard to find. It also includes valuable
glossaries and how-to guides to explain the fundamental procedures of Italian
cooking. The Club’s easy-to-follow instructions are suitable for beginner
cooks, and our individually tested, generations-old recipes will please more
seasoned chefs. Altogether Cooking with
Giovanni Caboto provides the combination of breadth and in-depth
instruction that will make it, like The
Joy of Cooking, indispensable to every home.
Over 250 full-colour photographs
10 recipes from each of Italy’s 20 regions, many of which
are hard to find in North America
Dessert recipes
Antipasto recipes
An extensive guide to basic procedures, including the
preparation of dough, sauces, polenta, salted cod, and more
A glossary of terms