"Free to create ripples in the mind of the reader."
Monday, January 30, 2012
The Weekend in Review(s)
"Free to create ripples in the mind of the reader."
Friday, January 27, 2012
"Whimsy, darkness, comedy, fear"
Well it's been a quiet couple of days here at the Manse, with Dan at the Translation Fair in Montreal, but as of this afternoon we're able sign off with good news: Jim Bartley is doing a story-by-story run-down on Suitable Precautions in this Saturday's Globe. Take a look and find out exactly what about Laura Boudreau he thinks is "barbed and arresting," "familiar but irresistable," or (my personal favourite), "fl[ying] on snarky energy."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Light Lifting an ALA Notable Book for 2012
The Notable Books Council, a group of readers' advisory experts within a division of the American Library Association, has selected Alexander MacLeod's Light Lifting as one of twelve notable fiction titles for 2012. They write that MacLeod's stories "explore the limits of physical and emotional endurance in muscular prose." Other selectees include Julian Barnes and William Trevor(!), and their press release can found online here. Congratulations to Alex! More info about the NBC below.
Since 1944, the goal of the Notable Books Council has been to make available to the nation’s readers a list of about 25 very good, very readable and, at times, very important fiction, nonfiction and poetry books for the adult reader. A book may be selected for inclusion on the Notable Books List if it possesses exceptional literary merit; expands the horizons of human knowledge; makes a specialized body of knowledge accessible to the non-specialist; has the potential to contribute significantly to the solution of a contemporary problem; and/or presents a unique concept.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
"Of moose and men"
As some of you may know, Alexander MacLeod's Light Lifting was recently published in the U.K. by our friends at Jonathan Cape. This afternoon we're happy to report that Alex's UK edition was reviewed--warmly? glowingly? ecstatically?--by The Economist. Here's a taste of what they had to say:
"A good novel woos its readers, tantalises them with glimpses of flesh and gradually lures them into a world from which they later emerge changed. Short stories, by contrast, rely on instant attraction and immediate gratification. If they are good they leave one hungry for the next encounter. More often, though, they leave the reader slightly jarred, looking for greater fulfilment.
Alexander MacLeod does not. His brilliant debut collection, “Light Lifting”, is engrossing, thrilling and ultimately satisfying; each story has the weight of a novel. The young Canadian writer is already winning plaudits in his own country. He can expect acclaim far beyond."
You can read the rest of the review online here.
The Women's Post on The Big Dream
Afternoon's greetings from Emeryville, which today looks much like the Arctic (if the Artic had suburbs--?). Snowy bluster bluster freeze. Dan, brave soul, has ventured forth into the cold to fetch a wandering poet, while Chris and I get to remain warm at work, secure and safe ... and, er, while I get to tell you about the latest review of Rebecca's book, which was published yesterday by The Women's Post. Sarah Mahmood is an intern there and took the opportunity to write about the stories she likes best. Check it out, if such is your fancy--and also, kudos to the WP for encouraging its journalism interns to review fiction titles! We need more of that in the world. More reviews, less snow. A motto for February, perhaps? Hmm.
Monday, January 16, 2012
"The quietest kind of brilliant"
Good morning, Biblioworld! What better way to wake up than with a happy bit of criticism? Alex Boyd, whose Least Important Man is readying itself for the press has we speak, has a few insights to share about his colleague David Hickey on Northern Poetry Review. Check it out! Open Air Bindery is David's second collection with Biblioasis, and à mon avis one of 2011's brightest jewels (poetry-wise, and to continue the gemology metaphors). It's lovely to see it under glass once more.
Friday, January 13, 2012
"A little gem"
A happy note to kick off a snowy weekend: keep an eye out for Rebecca Rosenblum in this Saturday's Globe and Mail. Diana Brydon's review of the Big Dream is Top Notch! "The overlap of characters and accretion of detail between stories is like office gossip," she writes: "Rosenblum is an elegant stylist and spiky humorist; her language is precise, her ear for dialogue almost faultless. Her characters are alone or lonely, frail stoics who may hope for rescue but certainly don’t expect it. I found myself yearning for more connection, less deprivation on their behalf, and wasn’t sure if their plight was part of her uncompromising world view, or a consequence of working at Dream Inc. I suspect both. This is the way the world is now, she seems to be saying. Stop dreaming. Wake up."
There's white on the ground for the first time in weeks here at the Bibliomanse, but it seems there's more than snow squalling on the horizon. Yes, that's right: the poets are on the move! Howling at Argo Books, we'll have Mr. Zach Wells (Montreal, Jan. 16); sighing before The Single Onion, we have Sir Joshua Trotter (Calgary, Jan. 19); and finally, brewing before the Grad Club in Kingston on Jan. 23, we have Mr. Wells once more. Take note: an iamb keeps the season's griefs away! So if you're nearby, go on out, then come on in, shake the snow from your feet (ha ha), and have a listen.
Monday, January 09, 2012
A little wonder (post-Epiphany)
The Wall Street Journal, and plain ol' Wall Street
Friday, January 06, 2012
Biblioasis Hits the Canadian Bookshelf
Five Reasons Why Most Self-Help Books are Bullsh*t
Anyone watching Strombo last night? You know, that beguiling fellow, Clooney-esque good looks, uncipherable last name? Well if you were, you might have seen this: Ray Robertson telling the CBC-TV waves why most self-help books ain't gonna help you do squat. Try Montaigne, he says. And, well, why not?
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Resource Links Praises A Very Small Something
Calling it " an engaging story with crisp rhymes and brilliant illustrations ... a concord of colour" Resource Links recommends our late 2011 publication of David Hickey's and Alexander Griggs-Burr's marvellous children's book A Very Small Something. Who loves bubblegum? It seems just about everyone under eighty.
For more information about the book please check out the website.